Around 35 people attended the vigil outside Caerphilly Castle
A pro-Palestine vigil held in Caerphilly in January

The Senedd reiterated calls for an end to the horrors of the Israel-Hamas war.

Peredur Owen Griffiths led a debate on the conflict almost six months on from the Senedd voting in favour of Plaid Cymru’s calls for an immediate ceasefire.

Responding to criticism that the Senedd should concentrate on matters in Wales, and within its powers, he stressed that Welsh citizens have been directly affected by events in Gaza.

The South Wales East MS raised the example of Gillian and Pete Brisley, from Bridgend, who tragically lost their daughter and granddaughters in the Hamas attack on October 7.

He said: “I have attended prayers next to a man in Dar-ul-Isra mosque who has lost over 20 members of his immediate family in Israel’s war on Gaza.”


Peredur Owen Griffiths at the Senedd on December 7, 2021
Plaid Cymru Senedd Member Peredur Owen Griffiths

Mr Owen Griffiths told the chamber the latest death toll stands at 1,139 Israelis and 34,979 Palestinians killed, according to Al Jazeera.

He said: “In reality, the death toll is likely to be much higher, as more and more bodies are pulled out of the rubble…. This is devastation and sorrow on an unimaginable scale.”

The MS said the response from people in Wales has been clear: “Not in our name,” but he warned that that passion and determination has not been matched by Welsh ministers.

Mr Owen Griffiths suggested the Welsh Government has changed its tune, now calling for an immediate ceasefire, despite all ministers abstaining in November’s vote.

He called for “long-overdue” sanctions on Israel and an end to arms shipments, urging firms and pension schemes to stop fueling or sustaining the conflict.


Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth
Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth

Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth called for an end to the atrocities, a ceasefire, sanctions, and a massive increase in humanitarian aid.

He said: “We cannot allow the world to forget the horrors of this war. We can’t forget those killed and taken hostage on October 7, and we demand their release.

“And we must never forget the tens of thousands killed and still being killed in Gaza, the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians facing destitution, malnutrition and homelessness.”

John Griffiths said his constituents want an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the release of hostages, humanitarian aid, and the beginnings of a long-term political solution.

Labour MS John Griffiths
Labour MS John Griffiths

The Newport East MS said humanity must prevail over the terrible carnage.

Echoing the UN secretary-general António Guterres, who urged people not to be bystanders, Mr Griffiths was heartened that Welsh people have protested and made their voices heard.


Plaid Cymru’s Sioned Williams warned that 73% of the 34,000 people killed in Gaza are women and children, according to the UN.

She urged the Welsh Government to take a stand by calling out the “appalling, unjust and illegal” treatment of women and children in Gaza.

While international affairs is non-devolved, the South Wales West MS pointed out that Welsh ministers made statements on the appalling invasion of Ukraine.

Jenny Rathbone told the chamber Israel has killed more journalists in Gaza in 200 days than all the journalists killed in the second world war.

Labour MS Jenny Rathbone
Labour MS Jenny Rathbone

The Labour backbencher, who represents Cardiff Central, said the occupying army has a duty to care for civilians but this has not been met in Gaza nor the West Bank.

She urged the US to insist on an immediate ceasefire by withholding all military aid to Israel.

‘Grave concerns’

Mabon ap Gwynfor, who represents Dwyfor Meironionnydd, urged the Welsh Government to ensure no arms or components from Wales are sold to Israel.

The Plaid Cymru MS said: “Those who defend the actions of the state of Israel say that that state is protecting itself – but killing 35,000 people is not an act of defence.

“It’s not an act of defence to kill a third of them being children.

“It’s not an act of defence to bomb patients in hospital and it’s certainly not an act of defence to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching a population that is about to starve to death.”

Plaid Cymru deputy leader Delyth Jewell, who previously worked for Action Aid, raised grave concerns about the safety of former aid worker colleagues trapped in terrible conditions in Gaza.

South Wales East MS Delyth Jewell speaking in the Senedd
South Wales East MS Delyth Jewell


Lesley Griffiths said foreign policy is not devolved but Welsh ministers are cognisant of the real and lasting consequences of the horrifying conflict on communities in Wales.

Ms Griffiths, who was appointed culture and social justice secretary in March, said the Welsh Government’s position remains that it wants to see a ceasefire as soon as possible.

She told the debate on May 1 that spikes in Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in Wales have not been as bad as first feared, but there have been some isolated hateful incidents.

Ms Griffiths warned that Wales has not donated to alleviate suffering in Gaza because the Disasters Emergency Committee has been unable to launch an appeal.

She said Welsh Government calls to explore a Gaza resettlement scheme to help those most in need have been met with short shrift by UK ministers.